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Preparation: Have the participants bring in a shoebox. Provide construction paper, markers, glue and tape. Ask the participants to bring anything additional they may like to include on their hope box. 
Instructions: Have participants cut a small rectangle whole at the top of their shoebox. Next, have the participants decorate the shoebox in anyway they like, but they are to make sure they have the name “Hope Box” on it. Once they are done decorating their shoebox, have them brainstorm either individually or in groups on ways they can end stigma towards mental illness and ways they can encourage others to end stigma towards mental illness. For a couple days after that, have the participants add in a couple more ideas. Once they have all the ideas that can think of, encourage the students to put those ideas into practice in their everyday life. 
Purpose: this allows the participants to think of ways they can end the stigma around mental illness and have hope that they can encourage enough people to end this stigma as well. It allows the participants to brainstorm how they think they can end stigma and then use these ideas in everyday life.
Age: Can be done with children 14 years old and older.
Time frame: 60 minutes to 5 days
Environment: To be done in a classroom setting.
 Have the participants reflect how they felt when they were  able to brainstorm ways they could end the stigma on  mental illness and have them discuss their ideas in depth. 
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